This is a very interesting device. Low-power Cortex-M0 but with plenty of program and RAM memory. Unfortunately, I didn't instantly find a dev board that I liked, so I built my own.
Its running but ... external oscillator PLL lock fails. Maybe its just that the oscillator is poorly placed (long legs etc).
On internal RC runs 100% like it should (yes, MBED blinky example works, led is blinking in pin PIO1_13). Unfortunately, that means that USBPLL can't be used (the accuracy of the IRC is not enough = USBPLL lock fails).
Any advice on debugging PLL lock problems and external oscillator considerations are welcome.
Its running but ... external oscillator PLL lock fails. Maybe its just that the oscillator is poorly placed (long legs etc).
On internal RC runs 100% like it should (yes, MBED blinky example works, led is blinking in pin PIO1_13). Unfortunately, that means that USBPLL can't be used (the accuracy of the IRC is not enough = USBPLL lock fails).
Any advice on debugging PLL lock problems and external oscillator considerations are welcome.